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  1. Loved reading this. I know your faith is a huge part of your life and it shows in all that you do which I love about you. My oldest questioned her faith and asked not to be confirmed as to her confirmation was her choosing her religion and she didn’t want to be a part of that religion formally. She was upset and disgusted by those that called themselves “religious” but were judgmental and harmful to others all while using their religion as evidence of their beliefs. It’s interesting to see our children process what religion means to them and at the same time see them realize how people “use” their religion to defend their thoughts and actions. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if everyone could just get along and accept that we all have different views which doesn’t make us better than others just different? So simplistic I know but man, I’m over all of this violence and hatred.

    1. Syd was the same way last year, eventually she went through with it but she had the same misgivings. We had a lot of real discussions and still do and she waffles between having nothing against the Catholic church to not wanting to subscribe to any religion. That is the hallmark of this generation though; not affiliating. Who can blame them, really? When people refuse to live up to what they say they believe? M was a little different, she didn’t want to initially either but in the end she did and chose a powerful name; Ignatius. Her view is about changing the world from the inside. We also have an extraordinary Confirmation teacher downtown, he is truly a walking saint. He is also a school psychologist and father of four so he gets teens really well. That is what mattered the most to Syd, she had a safe place to express all of her misgivings and still be welcomed, accepted and appreciated. In the end, I hate the age we do confirmation, it is the worst age in so many ways. But it is what it is. I have a lot of faith in the grace of each sacrament so I just want them to have access to that. What they do with it in the end is entirely theirs. I made a promise at baptism to bring them up in the faith as did you, we both fulfilled our promises. Not much more we can do. Loved this comment, Anne!! Thank you for sharing!

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