Author: Annette

Wife, mother, blogger, Catholic ministry. I love to garden even when it goes wrong. Same with writing (and we know it can go wrong.) Believing that God is present in all of it.
The Least

The Least

From today’s reading;   Mt. 25:34-40 “Then the king will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father. Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger…

The Big Silence Part 1 (BBC): The Monastery Series
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The Big Silence Part 1 (BBC): The Monastery Series

**This is an updated post from 2013 so this documentary has been out for awhile but I think it is a great representation of what silence can do for us, totally time to watch!** The Big Silence: Part 1 Awhile back, James Martin Sj posted this on his Facebook page and I had to share…

Madeleva  Part I– The Monastery Series
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Madeleva Part I– The Monastery Series

As I head for an annual retreat, I’d like to revisit some posts about the Monastery! In my many visits to Mt. Saviour monastery, Madeleva would keep us all up to speed on her progress with her book research about the founding of Mt. Saviour and her family research.  She was a brilliant woman who I would…

“God is Love” ~Good Friday 3/16
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“God is Love” ~Good Friday 3/16

This post is based on John 4:8 Yesterday, my 16-year-old asked for a Biblical clarification.  She struggles with the whole church/faith thing, but she respects it and believes that it is every person’s right to believe and practice what they believe.  She has been raised to understand that our reality is not everyone’s reality and…

Narrator or Chorus?
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Narrator or Chorus?

Each Palm Sunday, Catholic churches around the world The Passion passage from one of the Gospels  is read. We remember by re-reading  the Gospel.  Roles are assumed; Jesus, Narrator, Speaker, Chorus.  The Narrator reads as an observer and chronicler of sorts, the Speaker speaks the other roles,  the Priest is usually Jesus while the Chorus is…