When Less is More
I have heard from so many people who are just horrified at the state of things and I know that at least some of them want me to say something that will put them a little at ease, but there is nothing I can say except that in many respects we have been here before. Some of us read enough to know how easy it is for history to repeat itself and some of us simply don’t care, it appears. So here we are…awaiting the descent of darkness as the billionaire class tries to take control of the world. But I have some thoughts on how not to let it make you crazy. Maybe easier said then done but worth a try anyway.
One: Remember the title of this post, Less is More. We don’t need to take part in every battle. I have learned this the hard way. After leaving Facebook many years ago because the noise was just overwhelming, I found a certain peace when people brought up things they encountered on the platform to be able to say, “I’m not on Facebook”. This passed year I left Twitter (X) for good after it was taken over and compromised. I simply don’t want to feel complicit. I recently picked up Threads as an answer to the loss of information I found when I left X but after hearing the owner of Meta was looking at being part of the Oligarchy, I decided he didn’t need my help and I certainly didn’t need his services so I deleted that along with my blog Instagram. I continue to have my private Instagram for the moment but that could change any day. I have moved to Bluesky (which honestly, I really like!) and canceled Amazon Prime. It is a very little bit in a very big world but I believe in the power of the purse. It is why I refuse to purchase through Hobby Lobby, avoid Walmart if at all possible and do my best to shop local.
Two: Read. Pick up a book, go to a library, peruse a magazine. Just read. It is calming, life giving and we really need to counter this culture that is looking for dumb us all down. Read for pleasure, read for education or read to be challenged, but read.
Three: Surround yourself with the people who understand who you are. It is vital. Especially as we revisit the ugliness of rounding people up and sending them here and there because apparently they are the cause of all of our problems. (Scapegoat much?) Surround yourself with people who affirm your humanity and share the hope and desire for a better world. One where we know that those people are just as important to God as we are.
Four: Remain grateful. I am so grateful for my beautiful life. Honestly, what made me want to write this post was a beautiful gesture from an old friend. Earlier in January I received a package of delicious Christmas cookies from an old friend who had remembered my old cookie exchanges. It was such a surprising and touching gift and I wanted to make sure that everyone knew about it because it arrived on a day that I really needed it. So Mark, I hope you are reading this, those cookies and the attached card lifted me in a way that I couldn’t possibly articulate. Thank you, old friend. I hope you are safe and well out there! A proper thank you is heading your way, but for now, there is this.
Five: Pray. Pray for the courage of your convictions. Pray for compassion and empathy for those who really need it. And Speak. Speak for those who can’t. Though you don’t need to fight every battle, as I said earlier, we are missioned, as followers of Christ, to bear witness to his love. And so, pray for the ability to do what is needed where it is needed, even if that means just in your home. But don’t just tap out entirely, we need you.
Lastly, rest. I can’t emphasize it enough. Honor how heavy this all is on your psyche and on your body. Let yourself be quiet, let yourself rest. It is still winter. Fresh air is awesome but so is rest. My hope is that you can find some.
Please know that whoever you are reading this, I wish you well. And I’ll be back. God Bless.