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  1. Annette, I couldn’t agree with you more about our need as a Church to repent. “…and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness,and to walk humbly with your God?” I believe with all my heart that we need to humble ourselves before our God.

  2. Its so easy as humans to point fingers and judge – its in our nature. And lets face it – God made us that way so I don’t tend to be too hard when I slip into judging mode (although I try not to). Still it does saddens me when Christians are caught judging in a public forum since there is no better way to bring people to Christ than just live His life. That all said – we all judge – even cardinals who will excommunicate you (in enhance send you to hell) if you tweet from inside the close door meeting of picking the Holy Father. So glad their verdict isn’t God’s.

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