The Kindness Factor
Since I am trying to gather information for the other blog based on Fr. Martin’s book, I have been following him on FB and seeing some great articles. Some I am posting on the Wednesday Morning blog but there are some unrelated to the book that I find very useful. The one that I am posting today is very much worth the time to read especially as we embark on our Lenten journey. I know often that I am not as mindful in my speech as I want to be (and as I insist my children be!). I know that I often let my emotions take over my tongue and that as my 7 year old would say, “use harse words.” I really do not like this about myself and yet I recognize that it is how I am made and it one of the things that does bring me closer to God as I try very hard to harness it. I know that while God blessed me in my grasp of language usage, it can also go the other way if I am not mindful of how God wants me to use it. A friend wrote me this morning after we have been out of touch for a while and said “I never knew you could be silent for so long” haha! There is someone who knows me. But there is a part of me that does want that silence so bearing this article in mind, I am going to spend this Lent striving for, not necessarily silence, but mindful speech. Now is the time to start giving thought to how to make this Lenten season more meaningful. How we can come out on the other end of it knowing that within ourselves we have changed something, no matter how small. God is also in the small stuff.