“Come,” says my heart, “Seek God’s face” Psalm 27:8
Each morning, I wake with a routine, something I started when my anxiety was taking hold a couple of months ago. I go through periods of anxiety but this one was a little alarming as it was really starting to limit my activities. In hindsight, I am sure it was a physical manifestation of my daughter going to college and all of the worries that come with that coupled with the obvious hormonal goofiness that is appropriate to my age. (TMI?) But I point that out for a reason! It has everything to do with my routine.
So here it is:
A mug of warm water with lemon: Surprisingly, this is a useful part of the routine. I have been battling sinus stuff and this really helps clear my head and face which I have found was messing with my sense of balance. I have never had allergies so this was a new experience. But my older sister began allergies at the same time so here we are.
Coffee: Yes.
Scripture: Anchoring my day in God’s Word was something I used to do quite often. I begin with a simple prayer asking God to open my heart to what He wants me to carry throughout the day. It is actually how this blog was born. It started as an Advent Reflection blog which became a blog for all seasons. When I begin my day with the One who created me, it gives me a sense of understanding of who I am and what my role in the world is. It allows me to see it all in context and to remember that my primary purpose is to serve. The rest will take care of itself.
Holy Reading: In addition to Scripture, I try to read something from our respected theologians. We are not supposed to rely on our own understanding, we are supposed to seek wisdom where wisdom can be found. It is an amazing gift to hear from so many voices.
Yoga: So, I did yoga for years but then stopped when my husband was laid off. I started working 3 jobs and I just didn’t have time to think, much less relax. But walking, swimming and yoga are my most natural exercises. So, following an injury that left me literally lopsided, my sister-in-law, the PT eased me back onto the mat. For the past 3 mos. I have been faithfully practicing my yoga 4 or 5 times a week with daily breathing exercises. This affords me clarity, compassion and forgiveness of myself and others. It really sits me in the present moment and helps me accept things as they are not as I want it to be. There is a lot of grace in that. I am all for a lot of Grace! (** As an aside, someone said that they don’t practice yoga because of their religious beliefs. I never understand that because yoga, for me, is a deepening of my prayer. I am always centered in the God I adore. So, though, I respect their right to feel that way, I am a little befuddled at the implication that this form of prayer is sinful. But, whatevs!)
Breakfast: I started on a while back. I am taking a long-term approach to losing weight and regaining my strength and stamina. It is working. Most mornings, I start with oatmeal and raisins. Oatmeal is so good for you and though I have no real insight outside of what I read online and my own experience, I believe it’s suppose to be a mood stabilizer. Coupled with a packet of Emergen C (they should pay me to advertise!) and some B12 and I am good to go. (FYI: My cholesterol has always been good but it is awesome and I am down 15lbs since I started this routine.)
So why do I share this? Well, I don’t know, I hope it will help someone else? I feel so much better and I want others to feel better too. I think my farm girl soul was in need of simplifying. I think getting in touch with what I am supposed to be doing was integral to me finding my center again. I think we all need to slow down and recognize that we are spiritual beings and that our bodies can only do so much and that balance matters. But I wouldn’t recognize any of this if I didn’t honor my need for God. I am so grateful for the love of God who is merciful and allows me to continually seek His face. Because for me, that is what this life is all about.