Say What??
Pope Francis: We are all redeemed by Christ even Atheists
Click the link to read the articleSay what?? Christ’s redeeming love is so powerful that it redeems those who feel that they don’t need redeeming…yes ma’am!It is so refreshing to hear my church’s spiritual leader be so clear in his proclamation of this long-standing teaching. It is only humility that can open your heart to these truths. When we are able to surrender to our creature-hood, when we are able to understand that we do not have the ability to grasp all that God is…all that this life is suppose to be; when we are able to understand that we are but a spec in the grand scheme of things, then our heart starts hearing the whispers of Wisdom; of Truth. If we are in love with our own intellect, our sense of self gets in the way. But when we extend our “self” to include everyone, Wisdom speaks and mountains are moved. In this case, the mountain of exclusion. The mountain of superiority. When Paul tells us that “Christ has no body now but yours. No hands, no feet on earth but yours…yours are the eyes through which he looks compassion on this world…” it is not a call to see ourselves as superior, but a call to humble ourselves in eternal service of the Truth. Christ came to redeem our hearts. People are watching and listening and counting on you.Pope Francis, in his humility, in his never-ending service-without-question to God’s people, is opening hearts. He is calling people to where they belong; back in the arms of the Source of all Life and all Love. It isn’t romantic, it is Truth.
My spirit soars when I hear Pope Francis make such declarations. Thanks for this post.
Mine too!