Happy Feast Day St. Francis of Assisi…one of my favorite saints. I remember watching Brother Sun and Sister Moon a movie about the life of Saint Francis and St. Clare and I thought he was the kindest, meekest and gentlest saint there could be. And he was portrayed by an adorable actor so there was no harm in that! (an excerpt in case you never saw this….)
Oh, and did I mention he was naked and I was 19! So all in all, Francis was one to follow and I wanted to be Clare.
But then, as I went through my Christian Spirituality and Church history courses, another Francis rose up. He was not all bird chasing and flower picking. He was serious, convicted and perhaps a smidgen crazy. And I liked him even more than when he was naked. Because now, he was real.
A video from my life with the saints with a more holistic view of Francis.
Happy Feast Day St. Francis!