I have found that doing my yoga in full 80 minute sessions twice a week has made me much better focused and much more desirous of peace. So I want to put out there a little disclaimer about my rinky dink blog. I say rinky dink because I have been visiting many blogs lately and I am not anywhere equal in my game. But I do hope that when you come here you are able to breathe in a bit of the Holy Spirit. I am working on gadgets and all of the nifty stuff, but if you know me I am a “less is more” person. I want less in many ways. There is so much clutter and yelling in the world, there is so much anger and distraction, I don’t want my humble blog to harbor that. I do want it to help you and I reflect, I do want it to challenge and I do want it to reassure. There are so many arguments about who and what we say we believe…I look to sometimes bring out the simplicity not always the complexity. That and in the end, I can only hear myself talk for so long. So if you happen upon my quiet little space try not to be to disappointed…there are no big “wows” in my technology, but hopefully there is something for you. “Be still and know that I am God.” Micah Simple? Well, I guess I am, yes.
Annette I like this. You gave a message of calm and I held it while I read. It worked. Thank you.