When Did We Stop Caring About Each Other?
Remember when we promoted the common good?
Remember when we promoted the common good?
Last week I started the 19th Annotation Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola. Our assignment, before we actually begin the retreat, was to create a space where we can quiet ourselves so that we can be focused in prayer and reflection. This exercise made me think about the idea of “creating space” not just…
In today’s Gospel, Peter asks Jesus how many times we need to forgive, “7 times?” Jesus in return answers, “Not 7 times but 77 times!” My pastor preached a impactful homily on forgiveness and the meaning of the 77 times. As I have been catching up on bits and pieces of the news today, I…
I figured I had better give a little insight into what I was saying in the post from this morning. Or maybe what motivated it, since there were questions. Last night was the first time I saw my Confirmation class since Covid 19 hit. I spent an hour and a half trying to express what…
To keep it going…this whole Lent thing. Today I am told in scripture to “pray for my enemies and those who persecute you” but that isn’t really what I want to do. I want to be angry. I want to lash out. I want people to feel what they have done to me or to…
It’s happening again, that time when we decide who will lead this country. With it comes the finger pointing and impatience with other people’s points of view, perhaps not as badly yet as 2016, but this is only the beginning. For me, this period is torture. I hear (and sometimes partake) in disparaging, I cannot…
I still have John Michael Talbot playing in my car. Which means that every day I am reciting this Psalm 51. Everyday, there is a new reason why I need to sing it. Some days I find myself in tears as I consider God’s divine mercy and my glaring faults. At times, most times, only…
Today is Ash Wednesday which means it is the beginning of Lent. In some ways my whole world revolves around the liturgical seasons, they help me make sense out of a confusing world. I am not so easily drawn into the chaos of things, be it society or nature, because I have this “safety net”…
It has been coming on for some time now, a need to break away from my norm and hunker down into a more cloistered world. More of a dream than a probability as I am still raising children and still working in a social environment. But more and more I feel that I have not…
It is and isn’t what you think. Yes, January is by far my hardest month of the year and I am coping as I generally do, watching and reading Jane Austen and theology books while knitting scarves. Only scarves. That is all I knit. But I am trying to purl again! I am also trying…