Our Lady of Lourdes
Check out this live webcam of Lourdes and save it to your favorites….it is so powerful and can be a great tool for focussed prayer.http://www.lourdes-radio.com/player_live/player_live_en/player-token_en.php#
Check out this live webcam of Lourdes and save it to your favorites….it is so powerful and can be a great tool for focussed prayer.http://www.lourdes-radio.com/player_live/player_live_en/player-token_en.php#
I am always amazed at the selflessness of good fathers. But I am not so sure I was aware of the concept of fatherhood being a “hidden” life since growing up, your father is so important. It has been in watching my own excellent husband as he has developed and continues to develop in his fatherhood…
So June finds me losing my mind as the kids are scattered here and there while we finish up he school year. This year is a little more difficult as one of my babies is heading to middle school. In my frenzy, for example, I ran into a store today and left my car running,…
http://www.bustedhalo.com/features/pentecost-in-two-minutesI hope you enjoy this little journey to Pentecost!
http://youtu.be/Lp7nDQXIz70Please watch this video and remember to pray for and support the people of Joplin Mo.
I found this video today, and it really touched me. A little hard to watch but then it should be. For me, and for many, Memorial Day is about celebrating…remembering too keeping in mind that I have vets throughout my family. So we celebrate and live in freedom that despite our best effort, we take for…
http://youtu.be/4fYoTqkS_oUI feel compelled to share this. How beautiful and unexpected that people can praise during devastation. But people do, people do believe. And they need help.
Keep our brothers and sisters in prayer, tomorrow is suppose to be tough again!http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/05/23/joplin-missouri-tornado_n_865672.html
Tough day to wake up to but I think it is better than the alternative, or is it?? If some fellow Christians had their way, we would have been taken up in the rapture on Saturday. In their arrogance they have decided that God has empowered them and them alone with the date and time….even…
Or Contemplative in action! I have been both and there is much to tell about the beauty of God in the world. But this morning we will start with the very unChristian and uncomfortable topic of sexual abuse in the Catholic church. Below is a study by the John Jay institute that was half funded…