In Focus
God is love. Focus on that.
God is love. Focus on that.
I think it will take everyone a while to move a little bit away from the events of this past weekend. In the next couple of days, a mother and father will bury their young daughter, a sister will bury her sister. Another family will come to grips that they have a murderer in it. How did any of…
Very sad day for my community as we learned last night that one of the graduates of our high school killed another. The murderer, a star hockey player three years ago, beat his girlfriend (a college student) to death. It is horrifying and unbelievable. The mother is a classmate of my husband (a year ahead…
My daughter showed me this video and I wanted to share it with you. It is beautiful and peaceful but moreover it speaks to the glory of God. I hope you enjoy it! Purely Pacific Northwest from John Eklund on Vimeo.“Be Still and know that I am God”
I received an unexpected phone call yesterday from a family member who hasn’t communicated in three years; a self-imposed exile I guess. Our relationship has been tenuous for most of it, but there have also been good times. I always wonder if it is a good idea to reconnect and yet my instinct is to do…
It is fall and it means time for cleaning. Cleaning out the garden and the house and preparing one for next year and one for winter. Planning is not my strength but with each passing year, I have come to see the benefits of doing something now to appreciate it down the road. Consequently, I am expanding my…
Some of you follow the “Dating God” blog but for those of you who don’t, I wanted to share this excellent post about some misconceptions on being Catholic and voting. Something we need to articulate more often.
Not sure if you heard of this event but it took place on Friday and there was much hullabaloo because it wasn’t broadcast in any way. Initially I was put out by “not being invited to the party” but then I realized that there have been many parties that I haven’t been invited too and I…
So I follow the People For Others blog from Loyola Press and for those who don’t, this week Paul Campbell SJ is featuring images of his workspace. It is fun to see and to get an inside view of the Loyola Press world. Today, we were invited to share our workspace. Well, mine is/was outrageous…papers from…
Lately, the passage of “Two Masters” (Matthew 6:24) has haunted me. One of the reasons I originally left facebook was that it felt like a master because of the time spent giving attention to it. Even if I wasn’t on it, some story or response would say with me for better or worse. I think I have broken that…