20 years is a blink of an eye
On June 7, 1993 my husband and I lost a dear friend (his best friend) quite suddenly. It took my closely knit group of friends by total surprise and devastated as you can imagine, his fiancée. His death was completely avoidable (it was unattended appendicitis) but the family who is a large gregarious bunch that…
What Is The Peski Way of Life?
Welcome to my new website! I am so excited to have such a nifty place to play! Some may have followed via agapemessages.blogspot and for that I am grateful and I hope you enjoy this more! But here I am in somewhat full form where there I was really just hanging out and processing the…
Talking Dirt
I spent the day outside tending the gardens and getting some seeds sewn for indoors. It was a glorious day spent with the young’uns and seeing them free and basking in the sun and warm air! As we worked our way around our large suburban swatches of land, I was reminding my daughter to be careful of the…
And So It Is Happening
I woke up in the middle of the night missing my oldest child. She has gone away on a trip with school until tomorrow night. She left in the wee hours of Sunday morning. There is no communication between then and late tomorrow night when she returns. She has been gone before to summer camp…
Article and- Opinion
There is a lot on the social media feed about Gov. Cuomo’s State of the State especially for education. My daughter, who was able to attend yesterday, said that the entire house went silent when he talked of education. The entire place. 300 high schooler’s in addition to everyone else. That should send a signal. But…
I just read the article below and beneath it is the comment I wrote. I walked away from this conversation for a while just to take a breather and check and see how I really felt about all of this and to see if I was in line with what I practice and teach. Well,…
Look For a Sign
Happy Birthday Jesus(Please click the link for the story)So, this is what we are offended by? Not poverty, war, abuse or destruction of the environment but by a little old sign on the corner of a street in south Utica (NY). This is what makes National news in a bad way??Utica, NY is a predominantly…
Challenges Ahead
So what about those roads that are bumpy and hard to travel? The past several days have brought people who have said things that have shaken my confidence. It has made me wonder if I have chosen the right path after all. Several years ago when we were at Yosemite I remember my husband driving…
Advent – Day 4
I remember when I used this blog to walk through our liturgical seasons. I miss those days! Here we are on day 4 of Advent and there have no indication on this blog we have transitioned into our season of waiting. Why does this matter? Well, because building my patience is a constant battle. Advent…