Our Lady of Lourdes
Check out this live webcam of Lourdes and save it to your favorites….it is so powerful and can be a great tool for focussed prayer.http://www.lourdes-radio.com/player_live/player_live_en/player-token_en.php#
Wife, mother, blogger, Catholic ministry. I love to garden even when it goes wrong. Same with writing (and we know it can go wrong.) Believing that God is present in all of it.
We all know people in our lives that we look at and wonder how they can remain so graceful. My grandmother was one of those people, a farmers wife and daughter, hard working, lived through WWI and WWII, Vietnam, and other conflicts, the Great Depression, raising kids before antibiotics, living in the oftentimes unforgivable terrain…
I admit, I have been caught in a mental frenzy of Christmas and life these past couple of weeks and though I really wanted to start Advent off right, I have already failed. By that, I mean that I haven’t fully focused myself yet on what this season means. But I do seem to find…
I was given this beautiful song in a very timely manner and am compelled to share it with you. I thought today would be a good day to feel beloved. So as the harsh winds blow and the bitter temps take hold in Central New York, may you feel the deep warmth of His eternal…
I can hear the voice of my beloved priest when I was in college, Dave Looney, tell me as I stressed over a test or exam, “Pray to St. Joseph of Cupertino” I can also hear my reaction in my head…”Yeah, yeah, blah! Not doing your hocus pocus. But thanks anyway.” (Don’t you just wanna…
These past couple of months have had me in a whirlwind, working non-stop and having to be on top of kid’s activities left and right. I am so glad we are in exam time for the older two and that school is almost over for the younger. But the work keeps pouring in. (For this…
**This is an updated post from 2013 so this documentary has been out for awhile but I think it is a great representation of what silence can do for us, totally time to watch!** The Big Silence: Part 1 Awhile back, James Martin Sj posted this on his Facebook page and I had to share…