My Car Keeps Running and So Do I!
So June finds me losing my mind as the kids are scattered here and there while we finish up he school year. This year is a little more difficult as one of my babies is heading to middle school. In my frenzy, for example, I ran into a store today and left my car running, with the keys in the ignition and the door unlocked. Thank you angels for keeping it there and still with gas. 🙂 So bearing that in mind, I happened upon this post and thought it was a good reminder and would be helpful to anyone else out there who may be a little overwhelmed and a lot distracted by the “to do” list. Let me know what you think!
Mostly what I think your car incident let’s you know is to “breath!”. Take a moment. There is nothing that urgent that needs done that you can’t just take a moment now and again. One thing I think we all need to be reminded of is that the things of this world aren’t what’s important. Also what’s obvious usually isn’t what’s important. You have to slow down to listen and see the good stuff God’s showing you. But now its SUMMER – finally!!!
Of course you are right, I do need to breathe! God always pulls me back in, that was what the examen did. Always calling m back to center.