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  1. You know I just want to say that I’m a bit surprised that the woman in the article was surprised that this happened to her. Its not like she didn’t know that the Catholic Church tends to treat women as second class citizens. Also, she knew that it was against the rules to preach, but did it anyways. That brings up the question. . . do you follow the authority of the church always or only when you don’t think that its stupid. That is a big question I feel right now in the Catholic church and something that the Vatican really needs to address. That all said, I honestly don’t think that this woman was treated unfairly. Who I do think are treated unfairly, are the nuns in the faith. They work so hard and are rewarded by the Church so little. It really annoys me that some Sisters have to ask their families to help supply them with the necessities of daily life.

  2. The Catholic Church teaches that following ones own conscience holds primacy. I think it was a matter of conscience for the priest that encouraged her to preach. We have a wealth of well educated women who would be a great gift to share thier insights. So I don’t think it is a black and white issue. But I agree that our nuns are being treated very badly and that is starting at the Vatican. Thanks for your comment Nina!

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