Happy Birthday Grandma! Part 1
Today would have been my grandmothers 109th birthday. She passed away four years ago at 105. We all still miss her and her love. Grandmothers, loving grandmothers, are like that. I was in my forties and it was still too early for her to leave. I miss her hands, her kisses and her essence.
An extraordinary woman who I am graced to be named after, her first kindness to me was to be certain my mother didn’t name me Mildred or Nina, (pronounced Nine-a…two names she hated!) so Mom gave me the middle name of Cecilia (her confirmation name) and I in turn gave it to my youngest daughter…in the hope that she can emulate Grandma’s faith. Born on a farm in the Tug Hill of New York State (considered one of the snowiest terrains in the nation) as one of nine children. A couple of siblings lost to illness and life on a farm was always about work. An ethic she carried to her dying days. She married my grandfather, also a farmer and set about making their life. Bearing all of her children at home. Refusing to take her share of rations during the war because they were farmers and had food set aside. When she was told to take it anyway, she refused and simply stated, “I don’t need it” knowing there was someone else who did. And that was Grandma in a nutshell. Never “needing” what the rest of the world thought she should. Always working more than her part. Always knowing that it was the grace of God that allowed it and always making sure that those around her knew that she knew it. More tomorrow for now here is the article for your perusal.http://www.patheos.com/blogs/scienceonreligion/2012/12/how-are-religious-values-passed-down-through-families/?utm_source=SilverpopMailing&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Pan%20Patheos%201.6.13%20(1)&utm_content=&spMailingID=