Happy Advent!
“Prepare ye the way of the Lord!” Isn’t that what John the Baptist says before his cousin comes to be baptised?? “Prepare ye the way of the Lord” Beyond the Godspell song, something in this qoute resonates in me. Something calls me to repeat within my heart. I think it is the invitation that God is making to go deeper, to be part of something bigger and more meaningful than what I see. It is the gift of our Liturgical seasons that we are brought together for a moment to focus on what is the true Gift of Christmas.Advent, like lent is an opportunity to embrace the gift of God’s love. It is an opportunity, as a friend of mine pointed out today, to foster our spirit as Mary foster’s Jesus in her womb. She asked, how can we bring the love of the baby Jesus to someone else? I think that is a very good way to begin our preparation, by asking ourselves that question we have to look at where that love is missing, in our hearts, in our lives and in our world. How can we bring the love of Jesus Christ to someone else, how can we make way for the wonder that God is offering us? How can we be part of the healing in our world….how can each of us prepare the way of the Lord?