Five Days until Christmas!
My daughter is so excited! The countdown is on! She is ready! Santa is coming! The goodness of life surrounds her! What a wonderful place to be.Today, while we were shopping for her teachers Christmas present, we saw a very large hand painted Jesus (it was beautiful) but it was opened up like he was sitting on top of the world and was surrounded by wildlife. She was mesmerized and said, “oh my goodness…” (like she is 80!) “…look at this Mom, it is gorgeous. And see, it’s Jesus and the world because Jesus is the world.” She is seven. She is also a bit of a theologian in her own right. I said it was beautiful cause what do you do with that statement. I understand that because she is wrapping her head around Jesus being God in her First Communion classes, she sees it as so. But I get anxious, because there is a real issue here about Jesus being the world. So what about God’s children that don’t believe that Jesus is his son? I know you can quote me John and say, “but they have to, Jesus says so!” But the critical thinker in me struggles with celebrating the birth of a baby who came to open the gates of heaven to all of us only to know that there are many, many people out there that really think non-Christians don’t belong. So, I was trying to figure out how I would explain it to her. Then it came to me, the Holy Spirit! (Well, the Holy Spirit itself didn’t come to me but the 3rd part of the Trinity came to me). That is where the room for everyone else may come in. The Holy Spirit shows itself in so many ways that the vastness of God and the diversity of God are evident in the works that it does. True? Who really knows, but for the moment it makes sense. Without the Holy Spirit there would be no virgin birth. Without the Holy Spirit there would be no Christian faith. Something to ponder on. I would love some feedback.
So Annette, I was here and read your post, but so many things are running through my head that I don’t know how to put them into words… 1.My image of God, all loving or should I say “loving all”. 2. Our responsibility to ‘carry and give birth’ to Jesus to those who don’t know him yet. 3. Asking…Why did Jesus come…was he “plan A” all along and if so, what does that mean to me?
These and so many more thoughts….