Week 2 of Lent
“A clean heart create for me, God; renew in me a steadfast spirit.” Psalm 51: 12
This line is from one of the Penitential Psalms. It is in the middle where the psalmist is changing from asking for forgiveness for his sins and replacing it with asking to be drawn closer to God. A clean heart and a steadfast spirit are all he requests.
This is week two for Lent and we are just starting to create a design for how we want our Lent to be. I thought prayer would be a good place to begin. I ask myself, am I praying enough? Is my prayer springing from the depths of my spirit or am I simply reciting what I always have? Am I asking God for the forgiveness I need and the grace I desire? Am I listening to God’s voice as much as my own?
“A clean heart create for me, God”
It all begins with a clean heart and with humility. It all begins in the Spirit of God.
If you are unsure how you want to live out these next five weeks, but you definitely want to do something the phrase above is a good one to repeat over and over. You will find that the more you internalize the request of the psalmist the more clearly you will see your own path.
God hears you…and God wants you to feel the fullness of the wonder and joy that is offered to us on Easter morning.
Any change that we make can make all of the difference.
I believe your parish priest said, ‘Pray, Fast and give Alms’ but there I go listening to the Homily again 🙂 Love the blog Honey, keep up the good work