Checkpoint 1
repurposed post
“A clean heart create for me O God,
renew in me a steadfast spirit.
Do not drive from me your presence,
nor take from me your holy spirit.” Psalm 51: 12-13
I have been lingering in the Psalms for a while with this one being one of my favorites. I have verse 12 plastered around my world because clearly, I think I need it.
I also think this is the real purpose of the Lenten season.
To be given a new heart.
To be rid of bitterness, envy, ingratitude, selfishness or worse, indifference.
This is the key to a well defined Lent. We can go through all of the gyrations but if this one aspect has not knocked us over, then where has the journey taken us?
Has it been for show?
Has it been to make us feel better that “we did something.” All of the lip service in the world will not create a new heart, it requires a drastic internal change. Maybe no one would even notice….maybe it is something that only you are aware of that is keeping you from a deeper relationship with God.
So I take some time to ask the questions…the hard questions.
Am I on my way?
Am I fully invested?
Am I ready to do this?
If not, what is holding me back?
“For you do not desire sacrifice;
a burntoffering you would not accept.
My sacrifice, God, is a contrite spirit;
My humbled heart, you would not spurn.” Psalm 51: 18-19
It’s about our hearts.