But I Bet You WILL Like This!
This just made me happy. Simple, sweet and pure.http://www.wimp.com/babymoose/
This just made me happy. Simple, sweet and pure.http://www.wimp.com/babymoose/
Wife, mother, blogger, Catholic ministry. I love to garden even when it goes wrong. Same with writing (and we know it can go wrong.) Believing that God is present in all of it.
“During the day, Jesus was teaching in the temple area, but at night he would leave and stay at the place called the Mount of Olives.” Luke 21:37Jesus always took time to pray. Jesus took time with his Father. His ability to fulfill his mission came from that constant connection. It prepared him for the…
Click the link to the Facebook post from Vatican Radio-English Edition. Pope Francis during his general audience today concedes to the playfulness of the wind. If you look, you can see him holding his cross. When I do this, I am praying to someone. My guess is that this is the secret to his joy…
“Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the land.Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness,for they will be satisfied” Matthew 5:5-6But wait! There’s more! Jesus promised more! I couldn’t walk away, because there is a sermon going on. Blessed are the meek…who are the meek? Are the meek the ones who are…
“Seek the Lord while he may be found, call him while he is near.” Isaiah 55: 6Isaiah, what a wonderful man!! Where would we be without him? As I finish the first week of Lent I am sure that God is near. Moreover, I believe if I continue to seek him, God will stay near….
“And all of this, she held in her heart” There is a time to talk, to chat and to share and there is a time for stillness of mind and heart so that we can hear more clearly the urgings of God. That time is now in the midst of holiday frenzy, I find I…
I can hear the voice of my beloved priest when I was in college, Dave Looney, tell me as I stressed over a test or exam, “Pray to St. Joseph of Cupertino” I can also hear my reaction in my head…”Yeah, yeah, blah! Not doing your hocus pocus. But thanks anyway.” (Don’t you just wanna…
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Made me happy, too, Annette. Thanks!
What fun to watch God’s creatures have such a good time.