Breaking Faith
“Have we not all the one Father? Has not the one God created us? Why then do we break faith with each other, violating the covenant of our fathers?” Malachi 2:10
This is something to think about. When we are angry and put out, why do we break faith? Lent is a good time to examine those things that trigger breaking of faith. It is a good time to realize that not everyone is on the same page, and not everyone sees things the same. Not everyone needs to. But even though we don’t, is it necessary to break faith? Though Malachi was speaking to a people about intermarriage breaching the covenant, doesn’t this also apply to our every day? I have been disappointed recently by certain people’s actions and it has caused me to respond in a less than loving way, I believe Jesus would say I broke faith. I am not looking at the person who is clearly lost or broken in some way with compassion, instead I am looking with the eye of my own understanding…because it is easier. It is convenient.Convenience is a slippery slope as we have seen. I am not one to be convenient about relationship…I prefer meaningful. So, I need to remember this quote and ask myself the very question that Malachi asks his people. But I remember it aware that I am part of the new covenant which calls me to acceptance, charity and love.Today I ask God to help me see into the heart of his people and not just their words or actions. I ask that I be led to respond with acceptance, charity and love.