At Peace
A classmate of mine passed away yesterday after a lifelong battle with herself. I hope she has found peace. I remember 30 years ago thinking she was unhappy even though she appeared happy on the surface. Still, she allowed herself to be used and misused and consequently mocked. She had a very clear reputation. But I remember thinking that she was always nice enough to me. I don’t know all of the circumstances of her life or death, but the words that come back to me are “bad choices.” I do know that I hope she can find peace. Today, I want to say a prayer for all of those like Maria that have chosen to give up on their life. I also want to say a prayer for all of those people who fight unceasingly to live even though their bodies have betrayed them. “Eye hath not seen and ear hath not heard what God has ready for those who follow his commands.”
My heart goes out to you and Maria. Depression is such a hard thing to live with and also hard on the people of those who are touched by the lives of those who are in such pain.
As you know, I have a few family members that deal with this and all I can do is to pray for them to know and FEEL God’s love for them.
At least now she knows HIS love and I am sure now she feels that love…and peace.