Advent Invitation
Join me over at Heeding and Healing this Advent!
Wife, mother, blogger, Catholic ministry. I love to garden even when it goes wrong. Same with writing (and we know it can go wrong.) Believing that God is present in all of it.
Had a thought to go and visit the webpage of Mount Saviour Monastary where I saw that Br. William has passed away. Rest in peace Br. My image of him is walking the long hills every Sunday afternoon with his walking stick even though his body was failing him. He cheerfully greeted whatever weather. My…
We are only days away from the beginning of Lent which is when this blog becomes Lent Thing 7 (well, actually, we use that page!) Here is an article from NCR about James Martin SJ’s online Lenten retreat. An idea if you are looking for something different this Lent.Friend of the blog (and fellow Downton…
I remember when I used this blog to walk through our liturgical seasons. I miss those days! Here we are on day 4 of Advent and there have no indication on this blog we have transitioned into our season of waiting. Why does this matter? Well, because building my patience is a constant battle. Advent…
Welcome to my new website! I am so excited to have such a nifty place to play! Some may have followed via agapemessages.blogspot and for that I am grateful and I hope you enjoy this more! But here I am in somewhat full form where there I was really just hanging out and processing the…