15 from ’15 — What I’ll Take and What I’ll Leave Behind
I love New Years! I love the feel of a fresh start, the hope of peace and a chance to be better. Like everyone else, I think back on what this year has meant and I came up with a list; 15 from 15. Here is a list of things that I will keep or I will leave behind.
1.) Weight.: I am leaving a solid 18lbs in 2015 and I don’t ever expect it to return.
2.) Overwork: My hamster-time is over. It made no sense and I am not as useful when I put too much on the plate. (Ironically, it was also why I gained weight!)
3.) Cold: The memory of being so cold last February is still with me. It was a mean month. I need to get over it though.
4.) Dead Garden: OH! The cruelty! The carnage! The damn animals! Okay, another thing I need to forgive and forget and start over again. Move on. Move on. Move on.
5.) Worry: Well, I am a mother and of course I worry but I spent too much time in worry about my oldest and the new chapter of her life. It isn’t that I won’t worry anymore about her or the others, it is that I will make a point of just bringing my worry to quiet prayer, to hand it over to the only One who could love them more than me or their father. God.
6.) Finances: Leaving all the stress about this in 2015. It does not “pay” to stress. Haha!

7.) Graduation: The memory of my daughter’s graduation from high school and all of her happiness therein. But more than that. I am keeping the gift that I receive from everyone who loves her and is so good to her. This child is blessed in so many ways. It is all gift. I love to stand back and watch.
8.) Goals achieved: When my youngest was awarded the Greatest Achievement award for her 6th grade graduation, I knew it was a huge thing for her because she had her eye on the prize. She only mentioned that she was hoping for it that day and added, “But if I don’t get it that’s okay, a lot of people deserve it.” I sometimes worry that all these awards and acknowledgments can confuse kids. I really believe in just doing your best and that is reward enough for the most part. But, I saw how proud and humbled and happy she was and that made me very happy for her. Most importantly, it nourished an understanding of setting goals.
9.) Hidden Talent: My middle daughter received an excellent camera from Santa last year, and with the help of a benevolent uncle who has a similar passion, she has been able to bring her talent to the surface. I am not being totally biased. People come and comment on her work. It is beautiful and her favorite is portrait taking. Her gift is seeing the beauty in the world around her. She radiates beauty because of this. I can’t wait to see where it takes her.
10.) Blogging: I had walked away but thanks to Anne @ Love the Here and Now I restarted in February. It was all of her exploration and hard work in her own blogging that inspired me. I am not a pro like her, but I just enjoy writing. I am not organized but maybe one day I will be. Right now, it is a “bliss” kind of thing. I have “met” some extraordinary people who are out in the blogosphere. I won’t make it a resolution to be better at it, but I might improve. 😉
11.) 20th Anniversary: I couldn’t be more grateful for the man I married. He gives us everything. He keeps us laughing and light. He marks periods of his day with a kiss for me. He listens to my endless theories, presuppositions, indignations and aggravations and he always supports me even when I am wrong because he knows I know I am wrong and I’ll “get there.” He really is my very best friend.
12.) Yoga: I missed my yoga practice and I am so happy to be doing it again.
13.) Job: Okay, I’ll keep my job, oh heck, I will even be grateful for it!
14.) Friends: I am going to use this spot to mention one of the highlights of my year, seeing Pope Francis. I was so overwhelmed that I couldn’t write about it. A friend generously gave me 2 tickets and my soul sister and I did a whirlwind tour. I have been studying the Gospel most of my adult life. I have followed Jesus and his way as long as I can remember. Being schooled in Ignatian and Benedictine Spirituality enables me to go more deeply into the experience of Scripture and I am not lying when I say, I felt completely in touch with the Living Word when I went to NYC. I was not that far away from Pope Francis, but for me it isn’t the fact that he is the leader of our Church, it is his full on approach to God’s people. He is not afraid because he knows that there is no reason to be afraid. I had no anxiety as I went from train to subway to standing in line for 6 hours…only gratitude. I was going to be in the presence of someone who really “gets it” and with the grace of God, maybe some will rub off on me. The same is true for so many of my friends. People who, with any luck, will rub some of their goodness off on me.
15.) Prayer: I neglected this most important part of my life during the first crazy 7 months. But as I lay at site 118 at 8th lake last 4th of July weekend, I remembered how much I need to make space in the quiet and spend time with God. I laid on my hammock and looked at the water, knowing full well that this spot was a gift to us this year. We were going to sell the camper but this spot, this normally elusive spot, changed our hearts on that. As it filled up with family, young and old, I felt very much held by the Love of God. I will keep that feeling of gift, of love, of assurance as I enter the new year.
So, there is my list. I hope you have one that you would like to share! God bless your New year and thank you as always for taking time and stopping by.
Congrats on the weight loss and on the anniversary!
Thank you Caroline! Happy New Year to you! I was thinking of you when I mentioned the extraordinary people I have met through the blogosphere. Honestly, you and your witness have become one of my favorites. It’s real and it is going to surprise. Trust that. As hard as it might be, trust it.
You are so sweet mentioning me and my blog…so happy to have yo alongside me on this journey. Loved reading your list and can agree with quite a few of the things to leave behind. I thought of you yesterday…I joined the same gym we used to belong to together. Like you I had some weight loss and I want to move into 2016 with a healthy lifestyle and promote wellbeing as a mom…let me know if you are interested in heading back!
Oh my gosh, Anne. I still belong there but have not gone. I am looking at it as a charitable donation anymore. What is wrong with me??? I will tell you what, I think I have germaphobia. Not really but at the gym. Still, I will give it another try for you, haha! And though I haven’t grown at all here, I have actually lost followers in my move…not sure what happened, I am so glad that I took an interest again. It is a shoddy interest at times but I think that is a phase. Thank you for all of your support!!