Author: Annette

Wife, mother, blogger, Catholic ministry. I love to garden even when it goes wrong. Same with writing (and we know it can go wrong.) Believing that God is present in all of it.

Sacred Screen Time

I happened upon a great blogpost today about through an Ignatian Spirituality FB page that talks about Christ in technology.  I suggest you go and read it and consider what your presence online may mean to those who are looking for God in you! .I think we can all sit back a moment and consider our…


Through the Gospels, Jesus makes clear our call to justice.  Martin Luther King Jr was spurred by the concept of God’s children being equal, of courage in righteousness and knew well of the danger.   Just as Jesus knew that he was speaking as the son of God, MLK Jr knew that he must speak because…

Many or All?

Today was our children’s mass which means that all of the children of the parish run the show.  The only adult on the alter is Fr. Buehler and eventually the Eucharistic ministers.  Otherwise the readings, singing, presentation, et all are done by the kids.  Our parish is part of the inner city and welcomes everyone. …

The Point

The other day during my yoga class as we assumed child pose, our yoga instructor, a lovely spirit quietly said to the class, ” while you are in child pose it is important to remember you are a child of God.  You are safe, you are protected and you are loved”.  It took me a…